Dear MAM: I recently caught your marketing ethics program in Pittsburgh. And it was excellent. Do you have a list of where your programs take place? Sincerely yours, H.L., Pittsburgh, PA
Dear HL: Obviously, I was going to answer this totally self-serving letter. You are correct. My programs are excellent, and I’m often a delight. In recent years, I’ve cut back on my “shows” (as I call them at home) and usually provide most programs to private audiences (i.e. in-house at law firms). However, I am active and participate in most of the ABA Law Practice Management meetings and programs-which include Annual (recently completed in Atlanta), Mid-Year (in Salt Lake City), and the section’s outstanding Fall (upcoming in Colorado Springs) and Spring (May in Orlando) meetings. I am also a regular on the Pennsylvania Bar Institute circuit (in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh), where I will present an all-new internet marketing ethics program this December. You can also catch the old version of the internet program (and get an ethics CLE credit) online from PBI Online. Thanks for the nice note. Sincerely yours, THE MARKETING ATTORNEY