
Articles Posted in ABA Law Practice Management Section


LP Magazine – Charitable Deductions, Marketing Opportunities

My marketing column in the March/April issue of Law Practice focuses on the many ways that charitable involvement–be it time or money–can also pay significant dividends for a law firm’s marketing efforts. Too often it is not fully embraced (or simply ignored) as a tie-in to everything from image branding…


LPT: Collaboration

Thank you to New York intellectual property attorney Richard Goldstein for serving as issue editor for this month’s Law Practice Today, focusing on collaboration. Rich has put together a great issue, with contributions from lawyers and non-lawyers providing perspectives on culture, partnerships and strategies to increase effective collaboration in the…


LPT: In Memoriam – A Tribute to Gary Munneke

The December issue of Law Practice Today begins with a tribute I authored to the memory of law professor and longtime ABA leader Gary Munneke. If you’ve been remotely involved in any aspect of law practice management over the last few decades, you know Gary. He was a pioneer in…


LPT: Prepare Your 2013 Business Development Goals Now

This is the time of year where I’m working with law firms on developing strategic marketing and business development plans (and budgets!) for 2013. As I said to one marketing partner yesterday, while we need to be fluid and creative, you still need an outline and parameters to be as…


LP Magazine – Auditing Your Law Firm Marketing Efforts

In the November/December issue of Law Practice, my marketing column is entitled “Auditing Your Efforts” and discusses the value and importance of a law firm objectively auditing its marketing and business development efforts. Read it to see how I compare myself favorably to Tom Cruise (although the editorial team deleted…


Hurricane Sandy Presents Preparedness Issues for Law Firms; Potential Legal Issues for Individuals

READ the LPT Special Edition: Dealing with Disasters – Emergency Preparedness: A Joint Effort of the Law Practice Management Section and the ABA’s Special Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on my backyard (in Southern New Jersey), it reminded me of an all-too-timely issue of…


LPT: Billings and Collections

It is my pleasure to serve as Editor-In-Chief for the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Today monthly webzine for the 2012-2013 bar year. This month’s theme is “billings and collections.” Thank you to issue editor George Leloudis of the Woods Rogers law firm in Roanoke, Virginia, and Associate Editor Andrea…


Print Makes A Comeback! Wait…Did YOU just say print makes a comeback?

A law firm marketer from an AMLAW 200 firm called me after reading my marketing column for Law Practice, the ABA Law Practice Management Section‘s bi-monthly print publication. In the July/August 2012 issue, I discuss the revival of hard copies. “You, the Internet Marketing Attorney, wrote about going back to…


National ABA Law Firm Marketing Strategies Conference in Philadelphia November 8-9

The American Bar Association’s only standalone law marketing conference happens just once every two years, and it is less than two weeks away. For a few hundred dollars and less than two days of your time, bring back to your law firm the latest in business development tools and information-on…


ABA New Partner & New In-House Counsel Conference

If your law firm is not yet sending people to the ABA’s New Partner and In-House Counsel Conference in Philadelphia on February 25-26, you are missing out on one of the premier business development opportunities that will come your way. Besides a ridiculously low registration cost for a two-day conference…

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