It would seem like a no-brainer. You or a family member, relative or friend needs a lawyer. Hey, I’m a lawyer. I know lots of lawyers. That should be easy. But in many cases, it is not. We know the practice areas we know. And in many cases, those are…
Articles Posted in In The News
ABA Law Practice Today — For PA Lawyers, Remember Sexting is Sex; Texting can be Improper Solicitation
In once again serving as the issue editor for the Ethics-themed December 2024 edition of the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Today webzine, I contributed an article addressing recent changes to the Rules of Professional Conduct in Pennsylvania, and related ethics opinions, addressing texting in two different ways—ways where texting…
LP Magazine – Ethical Issues When Incorporating AI Into Law Firm Marketing
A few months ago, I was asked to provide the ethics attorney perspective for a Legal Marketing Association (LMA) program, AI for Communications and PR: What You Need to Know Now. At that point, I had not put a lot of thought into the ethical considerations. As with most business…
LP Magazine — TikTok Is Gospel to Generation Z
In recently reviewing a law advertising campaign, I found myself saying that we need to run this on TikTok. I looked at the matter and the target audience, and it seemed quite clear that this was the best way to engage. My growing fascination with one of the newer online…
LP Magazine — The Morgan & Morgan Effect
Phillies Scoreboard at Citizens Bank Park Sometimes the subject matter for my marketing column just hits me…like when I’m driving down I-95 in Philadelphia and see one law firm billboard after another, after another, after another. It’s the Morgan & Morgan Effect—and I write about it in the January/February 2024…
Law360: How Law Firms Can Capitalize On Marketing As Demand Lags
In the July 25, 2023 edition of Law360, reporter Aebra Coe writes on How Law Firms Can Capitalize On Marketing As Demand Lags. In my interview with her, we discussed what to do with lags in demand, and the best ways to guard against it. “As many law firms see…
Buchdahl Receives ABA Award for Law Practice Management Excellence
Pictured (L to R): Pam McDevitt, Tom Grella, Micah Buchdahl, Walt Karnstein, Andrea Hartley On May 18th, I had the privilege of being honored by the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Division with the Samuel S. Smith Award, recognizing an individual who has demonstrated outstanding lifetime achievement in the field…
Temple ESQ. — 10 Tips for Attorney Marketing and Business Development
The magazine for Temple Law School Alumni Thanks to Patrick Plunkett and Dean Rachel Rebouché at the Temple University Beasley School of Law for thinking of me in contributing the “Top 10 Tips” segment of the Spring 2023 issue of Temple ESQ. In Top 10 Tips for Attorney Marketing and…
ABA Law Practice Today — Marketing Your Practice in 60 Minutes or Less
In serving as an issue editor for the Marketing-themed March 2023 edition of the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Today webzine, together with my co-issue editor Jason Marsh, we tried to put together a collection of articles that would prove both timely and informative. My article contribution, Marketing Your Practice…
ABA Law Practice Today — Point-Counterpoint: The Likelihood of Revising RPC 5.5
SNL’s Point-Counterpoint Perhaps, I’ve never (co) authored an article with a smaller potential audience than the great give-and-take on the bandied-about subject of Model Rule 5.5 under the Rules of Professional Conduct. In the November 2022 edition of the American Bar Association’s online webzine, Law Practice Today (LPT), together with…