
Articles Posted in Law Marketing


LP Magazine – Charitable Deductions, Marketing Opportunities

My marketing column in the March/April issue of Law Practice focuses on the many ways that charitable involvement–be it time or money–can also pay significant dividends for a law firm’s marketing efforts. Too often it is not fully embraced (or simply ignored) as a tie-in to everything from image branding…


WMT: Law Firms Embrace Video for Online Marketing

In this month’s Web Marketing Today column, I discuss the uses and value of video as an Internet marketing tool for attorneys. Video provides both enhanced web content as well as improved search engine optimization results. Among the things that have changed in video production over the last five years…


NYT on NLRB Rulings; Law Firms should review social media policies

Recent rulings and advisories by the National Labor Relations Board regarding social media policies in the workplace impact law firms in a variety of ways. Today’s New York Times article by Steven Greenhouse reviews how the NLRB is basically telling employers to scale back limitations as it relates to many…


Law360: “Offensive” Superstorm Sandy Ads by Jacoby & Meyers?

In today’s Law360, reporter Bibeka Shrestha writes on Insurance agents taking Jacoby & Meyers LLP to task over advertising relating to Hurricane Sandy. In her article, she interviews me about my take on the complaint filed with the state court disciplinary committee by the Professional Insurance Agents of New York.…


Family Law and Divorce Attorneys Can Find the Digital Marketing Landscape Overwhelming

The ABA Section of Family Law has dedicated its entire winter 2013 issue of the Family Advocate to the topic of marketing your practice in the digital age. The feature that the publication asked me to author, Finding the Magical Mix for Your Digital Marketing Plan, presents a wide range…


LP Magazine – Trade Show Marketing for Lawyers

In this month’s Law Practice magazine, my colleague and alternating “marketing columnist” Greg Siskind provides an outstanding primer on the benefits and how-to of trade show marketing for the law firm. Greg’s immigration law practice, Siskind Susser, has successfully used trade show participation as a significant marketing tool for many…


Law Firm Surveys and Rankings Discussed, Debated at New York LFMP Program

Last month, at the invitation of Joshua Peck and the Law Firm Media Professionals organization, I attended their monthly program in New York City, at the offices of Dechert. As always, the topic of “Surveys and Rankings” attracted significant interest (and conversation) from the many law firm communications and public…


WMT: Law Firm Sites Move to Mobile

In this month’s Web Marketing Today column, I address the importance of having a proper mobile marketing plan to accompany your law firm’s Internet marketing efforts. Regardless of a law firm’s audience, practice groups, size or location–“mobile” is a critical component. Some law firms are still at stage one–trying to…


Of Cravath, Dewey…and the risks of playing “Follow the Leader”

What is it our parents always told us? If your friend jumped off a bridge, does that mean you should do the same? In this case, it is more like “Match Game 2012” than it is about “follow the leader.” So the question becomes, how necessary is it for a…


WMT: Blogging for Lawyers – Lessons Learned

This month’s Web Marketing Today column discusses the good, bad and ugly in the world of law firm blogging. As the bumper sticker says, “If you can read this, you must be on my blog.” Anyway, that in itself highlights one valuable element of blogging–in cross-promoting other marketing and publishing…

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