The November 2006 issue of Law Technology News features a cover story I’ve authored on the process of setting up a law firm blog today. This is the story of, brainstormed and created by three associates in the Intellectual Property section at Wilmington, Delaware-based Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor.…
Articles Posted in Law Marketing
The Ultimate One-Day Law Marketing Conference for Attorneys and Law Firm Staff–Philadelphia, Friday, October 21
As Education Board chair for the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management section, I have worked to create an outstanding one-day law marketing seminar for the section’s fall meeting, in my backyard of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Friday, October 21, 2005. Unlike many law marketing seminars that are either geared toward…
Fore! Thompson & Knight Sponsors PGA Golfer
In the July 2005 The American Lawyer, read Joshua Lipton’s piece on Thompson & Knight‘s sponsorship of a pro golfer on the PGA Tour. Of course, read my comments praising the strategy! It is exciting to see a few major U.S. law firms truly step out of the box and…
Dear MAM: We are putting together a marketing plan and budget for next year. How important is public relations in the overall scheme of things? Sincerely, Monica S., Arlington, VA Dear Monica: I have preached for many years that PR is one of the most underutilized and valuable components in…
Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Expo
Once again, law firms were practically non-existent at the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Exposition. In some cities, law firms are slow to take part. In others, everybody is there. For the second year in a row, Intellectual Property boutique Volpe and Koenig was not only a participant, but a major…