
Articles Posted in Legal Ethics


PBI Ethics CLE — The Race for Clients: Is Attorney Marketing Outpacing the Ethics Rules?

In the 15+ years where I’ve taught the marketing & advertising ethics CLE hour of Ethics Potpourri, this years’ program has elicited some of the most fascinating exchanges from the audience. I teach this hour live in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh every April, August and December. The coming weeks include the…


LP Magazine — Struggling with Ethics Issues Surrounding Branded Networks

In the January/February 2016 issue of the ABA’s Law Practice Magazine, I was asked to put on my ethics attorney hat in authoring Struggling with Ethics Issues Surrounding Branded Networks. Issue Editor Nick Gaffney asked me to write this sidebar in a magazine dedicated to the theme of branded legal…


LP Magazine – Content Marketing Is Outpacing the Ethics Rules

It was watching and reading news coverage from the aftermath of the deadly Amtrak crash in Philadelphia earlier this year that my marketing column topic came to light. Usually the theme finds me, and in this case, with each press conference, e-mail, press release and newspaper article–it occurred to me…


Research Magazine: Bridging the Advisor-Lawyer Gap

In the September 2015 issue of Research Magazine, contributing editor Jane Wollman Rusoff writes about building advisor-attorney networks that will generate referrals and benefit clients. In being interviewed for her feature, it was interesting to discuss the relationship from the financial services side of the business rather than starting with…


PBI Marketing Ethics CLEs in August–Live in Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Mechanicsburg

If it is August (another Pennsylvania bar CLE compliance month), then it must be time for another round of ethics CLEs for the PA Bar Institute (PBI). This month, besides my usual PBI ethics potpourri program hour (presented every April, August and December), you can catch me at the Jersey…


Legal Talk Network Podcast: The Legal Advertising Landscape

If you would like to hear a short podcast discussing how legal advertising has changed due to the internet and social media, how to launch a successful marketing campaign without getting into trouble with state bars, and some advice to small and big firms about advertising in certain practices and…


Attorney’s Fake Celebrity Photo Gallery on Website Draws Suspension

Call her the Zelig or Forrest Gump of California attorneys, but you can also call her “suspended.” I’ve seen a lot of fun and strange law firm web site ethics issues come up since the mid-90s, but it is refreshing to see that there are still new takes on the…


LinkedOut and MisTweeted: Ethical Uses of Social Networking in Marketing Your Law Practice

It is hard to believe that I’ve been teaching the “advertising/marketing” ethics hour for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute for more than a decade now. But what makes it particularly interesting is that my space (pun intended, if you get it) keeps changing with such rapid fire imprecision that it really…


LPT: ABA New Partner Conference Edition

In advance of the fourth edition of the ABA’s New Partner Conference, Law Practice Today highlights the topic with an issue dedicated to the theme of new partners. With the New Year upon us, many new partners are taking their places at the management tables of law firms throughout the…


WMT: The Upside/Downside of Online Publicity for Lawsuits

In this month’s Web Marketing Today column, Pros and Cons of Online Publicity for Lawyers, I write about the issues that struck me coming out of Perez v. Factory Direct of Secaucus, LLC. There is a significant difference in determining the impact of media attention on a case in the…

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