
Marketing Attorney Blog


ASK THE MAM — How can I become a Super Lawyer, or something else? Rank me. Name me. Make me a star.

DEAR MAM: I read your comments in a recent article in Conde Nast Portfolio, and was wondering how easy it is to become a Super Lawyer? And how can I get rated somewhere? SINCERELY YOURS, LC, New York, NY DEAR LC: To be honest, if you have a heartbeat and…


ABA’s First National Marketing Conference Approaches–November 8-9, Washington, DC

The ABA’s first-ever national law marketing conference is approaching…November 8-9 at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, DC. The Law Firm Marketing Strategies Conference commemorates the 30th anniversary of Bates v. Arizona, and examines the state of law firm marketing for U.S. law firms, and the hottest issues presently on the…


Comply or DIE! New New York Lawyer Advertising Rules Take Effect Today…February 1, 2007

Just kidding about the “death” reference. The much-talked about changes to the attorney advertising rules in New York take effect today. And in the end, New York proved no better (or worse) than the majority of state bars in creating different standards for what is and is not kosher. Don’t…


Free Law Marketing Day at ABA Midyear in Miami–February 9th

If you live or work in the Miami area, are attending the ABA Midyear Meeting, or simply would like some no-cost business development learning, the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management Section is pleased to provide a special slate of law marketing programs, capped by the ABA Women Rainmakers’ Reception,…


Setting Up a Law Firm Blog — Issues and Cost

The November 2006 issue of Law Technology News features a cover story I’ve authored on the process of setting up a law firm blog today. This is the story of, brainstormed and created by three associates in the Intellectual Property section at Wilmington, Delaware-based Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor.…

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