
Marketing Attorney Blog


Legal Talk Network Podcast: The Legal Advertising Landscape

If you would like to hear a short podcast discussing how legal advertising has changed due to the internet and social media, how to launch a successful marketing campaign without getting into trouble with state bars, and some advice to small and big firms about advertising in certain practices and…


LPT: (Women) Progressing into Partnership–Road Rules for a New Role

The December 2014 issue of Law Practice Today (LPT) is dedicated to the theme of New Partners, in advance of the annual ABA New Partners Institute in Washington, DC on April 17th. Amy Drushal of Trenam Kemker (a speaker for the NPI and co-chair of the first NP conference a…


LP Magazine – Embracing the Changing Face of PR (and a tribute to Lou Corletto)

In the November/December 2014 issue of the ABA’s Law Practice magazine, I write about Embracing the Changing Face of PR. In the column, I write about how much the concept of PR has changed with time and technology. While I still believe that PR is a significant part of business…


ABA Women Rainmakers Mid-Career Workshop: Progressing into Partner–Road Rules

The biannual ABA Women Rainmakers Mid-Career Workshop will take place November 7-8, 2014 at The US Grant hotel in San Diego, California. I will be speaking on a panel entitled “Progressing into Partner–Road Rules,” with an esteemed faculty that includes Rori Goldman of Hill Fulwider, Ali Sylvia of Plews Shadley…


Attorney’s Fake Celebrity Photo Gallery on Website Draws Suspension

Call her the Zelig or Forrest Gump of California attorneys, but you can also call her “suspended.” I’ve seen a lot of fun and strange law firm web site ethics issues come up since the mid-90s, but it is refreshing to see that there are still new takes on the…


LP Magazine – Age over Beauty? Marketing a Law Firm’s Anniversary

In the July/August 2014 issue of the ABA’s Law Practice magazine, I address the always-sensitive subject of age. In this case, it is about the marketing value of a law firms’ years. It is yet another subject that seems to present itself to me with clients a few times every…


WMT: The Price You Pay for the Right Domain Name

Among the very first law firm websites I ever worked on was My six year old son accesses the site every morning on his iPad before heading to school or camp to check scores and watch video highlights of last nights’ major league baseball action. Of course, that does…


Lily Buchdahl Provides The Weather on Fox 29 Philadelphia

For some attorneys, there is nothing more nerve-wracking than appearing on television. For my 10 year old daughter, Lily, it is one thing to say you want to be on TV and another to experience it. As part of a charity auction, Lily’s Mom and I purchased the opportunity for…


LinkedOut and MisTweeted: Ethical Uses of Social Networking in Marketing Your Law Practice

It is hard to believe that I’ve been teaching the “advertising/marketing” ethics hour for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute for more than a decade now. But what makes it particularly interesting is that my space (pun intended, if you get it) keeps changing with such rapid fire imprecision that it really…

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