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Dear MAM: A I recently went out on my own as a solo. I’m trying to decide whether it is worth ponying up for an ad in my local yellow pages. What is your take on yellow pages advertising? Sincerely, James S., Milwaukee, WI

Dear James: I know many attorneys that have continuously spent big bucks on yellow pages advertising. Trust me, if they were not getting results that made the purchase profitable, they would not be re-upping for annual commitments that can run close to six-figures in certain markets.

Yellow Pages advertising for lawyers are pricey and competitive. The sales reps for many of these outfits (there are now so many yellow-papered directories with choices and options that you need a rocket scientist to figure it all out) rarely make it easier to compare apples with apples, not to mention get a listing of price quotes and options. I recently dealt with a Verizon rep in one of my law firm customer’s markets that never gave me a straight answer on deadlines, prices or options. When the proofs arrived, they were wrong. Yet, in many markets, the books have the lawyers convinced they have no choice but to do as they are told! Pay up, shut up and be happy you get in the book. If it was up to me, he would have lost the business. Lucky for him.

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Dear MAM: An attorney I work for recently was named to Philadelphia Magazine’s Super Lawyers list. He thinks it is a big deal and wants me to heavily promote it. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do with it? Sincerely, Name Withheld, Philadelphia, PA

Dear Nameless in Philly: Aaahhhh, the great lawyer ego stroke. It is big, big business. There are so many great honors for lawyers to buy advertising and books for-super lawyers, top attorneys, super-duper lawyers, unbelievably great lawyers, Who’s who of “name your practice” in “name your state”…I could go on and on, and I’m sure you can check today’s mail for a related solicitation of some kind. The attorney probably has at least one ballot on his desk to nominate peers and cast a vote as well.

I certainly do not want the folks at SuperLawyers to think that I’m picking on them. They are doing what you can find in those special advertorial sections of almost every legal magazine these days. Putting together a survey, naming as many lawyers at as many law firms as possible, and selling those great self-congratulatory ads. One colleague told me how he personally called everyone on the nomination ballot to make sure he got as high a score as possible on this recent PA SuperLawyers survey. I perused the list and saw plenty of people that I know are very good and some that are very lame. It is not that exclusive a club-for Pennsylvania, 1500 lawyers in 50 practice areas were named SuperLawyers. You’ve got to make sure you get a bunch of lawyers from every big firm, so you can get a big ad sold.

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Dear MAM: I’ve been going back to the Internet web site for six months looking for the new web site reviews and nifty fifty. Are they ever coming? What is the deal? Sincerely, Nicole D., New York, NY

Dear Nicole: Quit your bitchin’. The new IMAs and Nifty 50 are up and ready at an all-new redesigned IMA Web Site. In order to get through all the nominated sites and the 250 biggies, plus take a look at every single Nifty nomination takes time. It was definitely a struggle to get them done this year, but I think you will be satisfied with the results and commentary. Of course, setting up this new blog and the MAM took time too. And I’ve got to earn a buck as well. Thanks for writing! Just joking about the “bitchin”…I enjoy the complaining. Sincerely yours, THE MARKETING ATTORNEY

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Dear MAM: How do I determine what percentage of my advertising budget goes to yellow pages, radio, tv, cable, newspaper, billboards, etc? Is there a proven formula that works for attorneys? Can you show me what works? Sincerely, Connie P., Parts Unknown

Dear Connie: First of all, anyone that gives you an answer to this question is as a fortune cookie might say, “one without clue.” While people throw around percentages ranging from 2-5%, the reality is that appropriate budgeting is going to be based on more factors than I’m willing to discuss. You do not tell me how big your firm is, how long you’ve been practicing, what the practice areas are, the types of clients you are looking for…I could go on and on. To give you another example, in the “real business world”, the amounts spent on advertising in the first few years can be more than your total revenue. It is about building buzz, a customer base, name and brand recognition. For my law marketing business, I spent more than I took in during the first year. The goal was not revenue, but establishing the business. In year two, I cut back on marketing spending and focused on revenue. In year three, I now look for a balance. Anyway, my point is that you need to develop a short and long-term plan, and then decide effective ways to spend the allotted budget. Thanks for writing. Sincerely yours, THE MARKETING ATTORNEY

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The Internet Marketing Attorney welcomed LIMA — the “Lil’ Internet Marketing Attorney” — to the world on May 15. Lily Helena Buchdahl weighed in at 7 lb., 6 oz.

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If National Law Journal Reporter Lisa Stansky is new to the beat, I’ll give her a pass. Otherwise, the NLJ’s front page story entitled WEBMASTERS was one of the most non-worthy articles I’ve seen in the publication. Thank goodness the 2004-05 IMA Reviews and Nifty Fifty are on the horizon! You can read the “story” for yourself. It basically re-hashes things that were written in, say, 1996 or so. Calling “extranets” a new hot area looked good in articles from before the new millenium. Same goes for stale quotes from “industry experts”. I do not know how much research she did on large law firm web sites, but outside of accurately providing the usual kudos to Greg Siskind and Siskind Susser’s Site, it provided nothing new, and a lot of old…

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Once again, law firms were practically non-existent at the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Exposition. In some cities, law firms are slow to take part. In others, everybody is there. For the second year in a row, Intellectual Property boutique Volpe and Koenig was not only a participant, but a major corporate sponsor. I was quoted in this month’s ABA Journal on lawyer trade show participation, as a follow-up to a trade show marketing program presented at the ABA Mid-Year Meeting. I’ve become known as somewhat of a “law firm trade show expert” since penning an article on the subject at IMA a few years back. While there is a great deal of thought and strategy involved, it can be a lucrative use of firm marketing funds.

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Colleage/Lawyer Rick Klau told me I needed to look into this new thing called “blogging” a few years back. “It is the next big thing,” he told me. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. Well…what I now refer to as the “poor man’s web site” (it is a whole lot easier to set up and maintain than a regular web site) is the new “hot” area (where intranets, extranets, and a whole ghost town of smoking features once walked). That is why I’m supplementing the infamous Internet site with a blog–to make suggestions, offer advice, and when needed, rant a bit. The weekly mailbag feature is a forthcoming staple. Thanks for visiting.

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